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Game Description

#1316 - Wild Cherry Crossword

Wild Cherry Crossword ticket image.

How To Play

  1. The CROSSWORD, BONUS WORD 1 and BONUS WORD 2 are played separately.
  2. Scratch YOUR 20 LETTERS to reveal the 20 letters to be used on this ticket.
  3. For each letter that is revealed in YOUR 20 LETTERS, scratch the same letter each time it is revealed in the CROSSWORD, BONUS WORD1, and BONUS WORD 2. For example, if the letter E is revealed in YOUR 20 LETTERS, scratch all E's in the CROSSWORD, BONUS WORD 1, and BONUS WORD 2.


  1. If the revealed letters form three or more complete words in the CROSSWORD, win the prize shown in the PRIZE LEGEND.
  2. If you completely uncover a BONUS WORD using YOUR 20 LETTERS win the PRIZE beside the BONUS WORD. The BONUS WORDS do not count as the words in the PRIZE LEGEND and cannot be used in determining a prize in the PRIZE LEGEND. The letters in the BONUS WORDS cannot be used to complete words in the CROSSWORD.
  3. Only the highest amount won on the PRIZE LEGEND will be paid.
Overall odds 1 in 3.26